Version 1.9
The indented, italicized sections below appear as annotations to the Open Source Definition (OSD) and are not a part of the OSD. A plain version of the OSD without annotations can be found here.
The world’s most advanced mobile operating system keeps getting better. Download the free iOS 4.3 Software Update and get new features that let you do even more with your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. The software update is free. It’s easy. And you can download it right now.
Get even more play out of AirPlay — the wireless technology that lets you stream content from your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch to your HDTV via Apple TV.1 In addition to music, movies, and photos, AirPlay now streams video from your Photos app. So you can shoot a home video and instantly share it with everyone in the room. Even AirPlay-enabled apps and websites get the big-screen treatment with iOS 4.3. And if your photos are the feature presentation, you can play a slideshow with all the stunning themes available on Apple TV.
The Dreamweaver tutorial walks you through the steps of building Web pages. You’ll learn how to use Macromedia Dreamweaver to define a local site, and you’ll use Dreamweaver panels and tools to create and edit Web documents. In this tutorial, you’ll create Web pages for Compass, a fictitious company that specializes in adventure travel. If you’re new to Dreamweaver, start at the beginning of the tutorial and work your way through the end. If you’re already familiar with Dreamweaver, you may want to start at “Use the Assets panel” on page 56; this section and those that follow it focus on new or changed features in Dreamweaver such as the Assets panel, Flash buttons and text, using a template, running a site report and adding a Design Note.
The tutorial takes approximately one to two hours to complete, depending on your experience, and focuses on the following Dreamweaver tasks:
Take a guide tour of Dreamweaver
Before you get started, watch the Guided Tour movies to familiarize yourself with the Web development process and with Dreamweaver features.
Enjoy the simplicity of Ubuntu Netbook Edition’s new interface. Designed specifically for the smaller screen and for computing on the move, it lets you find and rediscover your preferred applications more easily whether they are on your netbook or on the web. Beautiful, crisp, responsive and intuitive.
RISC berawal dari tiga proyek penelitian: IBM 801, prosesor RISC Berkeley, dan Stanford prosesor MIPS. Arsitektur ini menarik minat yang besar karena diklaim memiliki keunggunal kinerja dua sampai lima kali lebih baik dari pada mesin kontemporer menggunakan arsitektur tradisional.
Dimulai pada akhir tahun 1970, proyek IBM adalah yang pertama, tetapi menjadi yang terakhir di publik. Mesin IBM dirancang sebagai komputer mini yang terbuat dari ratusan chip, sedangkan proyek universitas lainnya seperti mikroprosesor. John Cocke dianggap sebagai bapak dari desain 801. Dalam pengakuan atas sumbangannya ia menerima baik penghargaan Turing, penghargaan tertinggi dalam ilmu komputer dan rekayasa, dan Presidential Medal of Technology.
Pada tahun 1980, David A. Patterson dan rekan-rekannya di University of California di Berkeley, yang disponsori oleh Departemen Pertahanan Advanced Research Projects Agency. Mereka membangun dua mesin, disebut RISC RISC I dan II. Karena proyek IBM tidak banyak diketahui atau dibahas, peran yang dimainkan oleh kelompok Berkeley dalam mempromosikan pendekatan RISC adalah penting bagi penerimaan teknologi.